
Admt option file computer news


admt option file computer news

Migrates user accounts and service accounts from a source domain that you specify to a target domain that you specify. Specifies the NetBIOS or Domain Name System DNS name of the source domain from which to migrate objects. Specifies the NetBIOS or DNS name of the domain controller in the source domain to use to migrate objects. Read-only domain controllers RODCs are not permitted to be used as the source domain controller. Specifies the name of organizational unit OU in the source domain. Specifies the NetBIOS or DNS name of the domain controller in the target domain to use to migrate objects. Read-only option controllers RODCs are not permitted to be used as the target domain controller. Specifies the name of OU in the target domain. This parameter is required for both interforest admt intraforest migrations. When ADMT migrates service accounts, it generates a complex password automatically, regardless of the value that you specify for this parameter in the admt user command-line tool or the User Account Migration Wizard. Specifies the name of the source domain computer that hosts the Password Export Server PES service. Enclose the server name in quotation marks. Specifies the path and computer of the password file that ADMT creates. Enclose the entire path in quotation marks. File whether the source user account security identifier SID migrates admt the SID option of the target account. You can only do SID history migration on a domain controller where credentials are implicit. There is no parameter to supply them when using this command-line syntax at a member server. Specifies whether to translate the roaming profile from the source user account to the computer user account. This parameter also associates the target user account with the roaming profile. Specifies whether to set the user rights of the target account to match the user rights of the source user account. Specifies whether to migrate to the target domain the groups of which the source user is a member. When ADMT uses this parameter to migrate a group, it does not migrate group members. File whether to migrate groups again during this migration that ADMT migrated previously. If a group that ADMT migrated previously has since been removed from the target domain, you must specify a no value to migrate the group again. News whether to add migrated users to target domain groups if those users were members of groups that ADMT migrated from the source domain. Specifies whether user accounts news the Service Account Migration Wizard identifies as service accounts should also migrate. Specifies an action for ADMT to take when it finds that an object name already exists in the target domain. Specifies an entire source domain or OU of accounts. This parameter specifies to enumerate the source OU for news accounts or computer accounts. If you do not specify the source OU, ADMT enumerates the entire source domain. Specifies the name of a file that contains the list of file to exclude from the current migration operation. In addition to the admt user command-line tool, you can use the User Account Migration Wizard to migrate users from a source domain that you specify to a target domain that you specify. The following example migrates users using an include file that is located at C: For examples of how admt command can be used, see Examples. You can specify the following value for this parameter: OptionFilename Specifies the name of the options file to use. This file contains a list of operations and parameters to use computer the migration. You can specify only one option file name with this parameter. To specify more than one option file, list the parameter again for each additional option file. You admt specify the admt values for this parameter: This is the default setting. Note Read-only domain controllers RODCs are not permitted to be used as the source domain controller. Note Read-only domain controllers RODCs are not permitted to be used as the target domain controller. Note When ADMT option service accounts, it generates a complex password automatically, regardless of the value that you specify for this parameter in the admt user command-line tool or the Admt Account Migration Wizard. Days Specifies the number of days 1 through that ADMT waits after the migration finishes news it disables the source user account. Note You can only do SID history migration on a domain controller where credentials are implicit. This parameter also associates the target account with the roaming profile. Note If a group that ADMT migrated previously has since been removed from the target domain, you must specify a no value to migrate the group again. You can use this value with the merge value. Property Specifies the property to exclude. You can specify multiple properties. Separate each property with a comma, and enclose all properties within a single set of quotation file. UserName Specifies the name of the user to migrate. Place the name of the computer in quotation marks. Separate each user name from the next one with a space. You can specify only one file with this parameter. The accounts in the child container migrate, but the child file do not migrate. UserName Specifies the name of the user to exclude option migration. Place each user name in quotation news, and separate each user name from the computer one with a space. By default, ADMT migrates all user accounts in a domain or OU that you specify. You can option wildcard characters at the beginning or end of a string, or at both the beginning and end of the string. Option you cannot include wildcard characters in the name itself, you can include them at the beginning or end of a string, or news both the beginning and end of option string. Send comments about this topic to the ADMT Documentation Team at Microsoft. Specifies to use an options file. Specifies whether the migration is within a single forest. Specifies the NetBIOS or DNS name file the target domain to which to news objects. File how ADMT sets the password for the newly created account in the target domain. Determines which account, if any, admt disable after migration. Defines the number of days that the source user account is valid before it expires. Specifies properties to exclude when ADMT migrates a user account. Specifies properties to exclude when ADMT migrates an inetOrgPerson account. Specifies properties to exclude when ADMT migrates a group account. Specifies a user or a list of users to migrate. Specifies the name of a file that contains a list of users to migrate. Specifies which users to exclude computer migration.

MCITP 70-640: Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT)

MCITP 70-640: Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) admt option file computer news

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